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- +82-31-299-4345
- hongseokjun@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86337
[Research Interest]
Computational Brain Imaging, Network Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroimaging
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- +82-31-299-4346
- hyunggoo.kim@g.skku.edu
[Research Interest]
brain science, systems neuroscience, reinforcement learning, decision making, learning, dopamine
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- Professor Biosensors, Stem cells, Nanobiomaterials
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- hakwan@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86331
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- +82-31-299-4359
- joonyeol@g.skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86362
[Research Interest]
Perception, Sensorimotor transformation, Attention and cognition, Probabilistic inference, Population decoding How attention and cognition modulate sensory neural representation and transmission of the neural information to the downstream motor areas in the brain The neural basis of cognition in sensorimotor behaviors
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- +82-31-299-4348
- jungseunglee@skku.edu
- N Center 2F 86211
[Research Interest]
Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Biomaterial, Organoids, Stem Cells
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- +82-31-299-4343
- chunpark@skku.edu
- N Center 2F 86209
[Research Interest]
Biomaterials, Drug Delivery System, Immunotherapy, Medical Device
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- Associate Professor neuroprosthetic IC
- +82-31-299-4358
- hangue.park@skku.edu
[Research Interest]
Neuroprosthesis, Neuromodulation, Integrated circuits and systems, Rehabilitation, Motor learning
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- +82-31-299-4357
- jaeseokp@skku.edu
[Research Interest]
Medical Imaging, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence Ultrafast High Resolution MRI Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Stroke, Cancer
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- +82-31-299-4356
- jyparu@skku.edu
[Research Interest]
Ultrashort echo-time (UTE) Imaging (e.g., for lung imaging, Sodium imaging) Ultrafast 3D imaging using spatiotemporal encoding (e.g., for BOLD-fMRI, DCE-MRI) Non-BOLD fMRI: Direct imaging of neuronal activity Frequency-modulation RF pulse and its applications
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- +82-31-299-4362
- jin.park@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86307
[Research Interest]
Ultrasound Systems and Transducers, Ultrasonic therapeutics, Image guided therapeutics
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- +82-31-299-4355
- wonmokshim@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86338
[Research Interest]
Cognitive Neuroscience, Perception/cognition, Memory, Human fMRI
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- +82-31-299-4344
- mikyungshin@g.skku.edu
- N Center 2F 86207
[Research Interest]
Biomaterials, Hydrogels, Drug-delivery system, Surface modification of medical devices
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- hansem@g.skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86333
[Research Interest]
high-level cognitive function for space, time, and number artificial/natural general intelligence primate electrophysiology and neuroimaging computational cognitive modeling with Bayesian approach
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- +82-31-299-4496
- minahsuh@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86363
[Research Interest]
Neurovascular Coupling Neurological Disorder 1) Study the effect of chronic stress on neurovascular coupling at functional and structural level 2) Study the effect of pathologically heightened neuronal excitation and synchronization on neurovascular coupling at functional and structural level and develop cell-therapy for epilepsy, 3) Study neurovascular coupling mechanism through neurovascular coupling modulators, such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, & glucose, and 4) Develop novel techniques to restore neurovascular coupling dysfunction
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- +82-31-299-4363
- waniwoo@skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86335
[Research Interest]
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- sbyoo@g.skku.edu
- N Center 3F 86339
[Research Interest]
Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience